This dress in the shape of tears was made by hand from castin resin, ground charcoal and mother-of-pearl.
First of all I sawed out five forms in different sizes in drop shape out of acrylic glass, in order to produce negative forms out of liquid silicone.

For the small charcoal pieces barbecue coal was roughly crushed with the help of a car, then filtered with two different sieves, rinsed under water and dried in the oven.

The mother-of-pearl was first cleaned under water then ground with a vegetable chopper and separated by two sizes with sieves.
The silicone molds were first filled with casting resin and then with the ground charcoal. The mixture was combined with a toothpick in order to evenly spread the charcoal.

After that, the crushed mother-of-pearl had to be sprinkled on top of the mixture as quickly as possible because the cast resin began to become viscous within an hour. After 6 hours of drying, the drops could be removed from the molds.

After producing more than four-thousand drops, each one had to be pierced and sewn on to mousseline fabric individually.

Even though castin resin is a synthetic material, the origin of every material was selected in terms of high environmental requirements. Therefore, left over mother of pearl and organic German charcoal with the ‚Naturland‘ certificate were used.